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Applications for NoSQL

The phrase "NoSQL database" is frequently used to describe any non-relational database. NoSQL is sometimes referred to as "non SQL," but it is also sometimes referred to as "not merely SQL." In any case, the majority of people concur that NoSQL databases are those that store data in a different format than relational tables.


feature-based Applications

Since NoSQL databases are non-relational and were created with web applications in mind, they scale out better than relational databases.

Non-relational databases

The phrase "NoSQL database" is frequently used to describe any non-relational database. NoSQL is sometimes referred to as "non SQL," but it is also sometimes referred to as "not merely SQL." In any case, the majority of people concur that NoSQL databases are those that store data in a different format than relational tables.

Simple API

offers user-friendly interfaces for storing and accessing data in the presence of APIs that permit basic data manipulation & selection techniques. Text-based protocols like HTTP REST and JSON are primarily utilized

Schema-free databases

Node.js' design is reminiscent of and influenced by programs like Twisted in Python and Ruby's Event Machine. The event concept is expanded upon a little in Node.js. Instead of presenting an event loop as a library, it shows it as a runtime construct.


Distributed execution of many NoSQL databases with auto-scaling and fail-over capabilities Frequently, scalability and throughput can be traded for the ACID idea.


Usage-based applications

NoSQL database technology is usually adopted for one or more of the following reasons:

Fast-paced Agile development

Since NoSQL databases are non-relational and were created with web applications in mind, they scale out better than relational databases.

Huge volumes of data

NoSQL databases were designed from the ground up with the ability to manage huge data. As opposed to when SQL databases are utilized to handle web-scale applications, additional engineering is not necessary.

Storage of structured and semi-structured data

NoSQL databases are frequently more suitable for combining structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data into a single database and modeling it.

Requirements for scale-out architecture

A straightforward method for increasing the volume of traffic a database can manage is the scale-out approach employed by the majority of NoSQL databases.


Database-type applications

NoSQL databases were created in the internet age in reaction to SQL databases' failure to meet the demands of web-scale systems that dealt with massive volumes of data and traffic, as described in When to Use NoSQL Databases.

Document databases

JSON, BSON, or XML documents are used to store data in document databases (not Word documents or Google Docs, of course). Documents can be nested in a document database.

Column-oriented databases

A column store is structured as a series of columns, as opposed to a relational database, which organizes data as rows and reads data row by row.

Key-value stores

A key-value store is the most basic kind of NoSQL database. An attribute name (or "key") and a value are kept for each data element in the database as a key value pair.

Graph databases

A graph database emphasizes the connections among the data pieces. Each component is kept as a node (such as a person in a social media graph).



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