
Become an Expert SQL Engineer in just 3 months

Applications for express js

SQL is a computer language that gives orders or instructions to the database. If you want to create a database, store data, update/delete, there are different commands known as SQL. All RDBMS use SQL as standard database language


data-related applications

Creating a new database with SQL and inserting new data in the database, Modifying or update previous data and retrieving data from the database, Deleting data and creating a new table in one database or even drop the table, Setting permissions for table, procedures and views, and creating function, views and storing procedures

Data Definition Language (DDL)

SQL is used as a Data Definition Language (DDL) which means you can autonomously make a database, characterize its structure, use it and afterwards dispose of it when you are finished with it

Data Manipulation Language (DML)

SQL is used as a Data Manipulation Language (DML) which implies you can use it for keeping up a previously existing database

Data Control Language (DCL)

It is additionally conveyed as a Data Control Language (DCL) which determines how you can ensure your information base against debasement and misuse.

Client or Server language

It is broadly used as a Client or Server language to interface the front-end with the back-end consequently supporting the customer or worker architecture


Advantages of using sql databases

Creating a new database with SQL and inserting new data in the database, Modifying or update previous data and retrieving data from the database, Deleting data and creating a new table in one database or even drop the table, Setting permissions for table, procedures and views, and creating function, views and storing procedures

No coding needed

By using standard SQL, it is relatively simple to handle database systems without having to create a lot of code.

Interactive Language

Using this domain language, one can instantly acquire answers to difficult questions while interacting with databases.

Well defined standards

The SQL databases that ISO and ANSI employ have been around for a while. The non-SQL databases don't follow any standards.

Multiple data views

Users can create various views of database structure and databases for various users with the use of the SQL language.


Job Profiles Needing React js Knowledge

React Native is supported by contributions from individuals and companies around the world including Callstack, Expo, Infinite Red, Microsoft and Software Mansion.

Front-end Developer

A front end developer, also known as a front end web developer, is a professional responsible for the design and implementation of the interface

Full Stack Developer

Full-stack web developers work on both the front end and back end of an application or website, as well as everything in between.

Software Engineer

An application's software engineer creates, develops, and tests it to ensure that it satisfies user demands after doing user needs analysis. 

APP Developer

With react native you will be able to develop mbile apps, wiindows software and IOS apps



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