Convert more of the traffic you’re already paying for

Bring them back to convert with Disruptive retargeting

94% of people who visit your site don’t make a purchase or contact request the first time they visit your site

This means you’re likely only able to persuade about 6% of traffic to buy what you’re offering the first time they arrive on your site.

That’s a huge chunk of visitors you’re losing out on. Fortunately, there is one thing you can do to bring back lost visitors – run retargeting campaigns.

Baby come back!

Our Retargeting Methodology

Retargeting is the practice of targeting specific segments of your audience based on specific interactions they’ve had with your business in a set time frame and showing them a new ad. You can retarget users based on lists that you’ve created, tracked actions on your platform, or tracked actions on your site; each option is undeniably effective. This works well because users need to see content from you more than once before deciding to convert. The ability to create more targeted messaging based on specific actions they take is invaluable

Retargeting gives you the chance to follow up with users and ensure that no potential customer slips between the cracks. This is an enormous opportunity to maximize your ROI and your bottom line while growing your customer base.

Different Types of Retargeting

We are aware of the various retargeting solutions that are most effective across various platforms. Retargeting in general comes down to three distinct types: list-based retargeting, on-platform retargeting, and pixel retargeting. Each retargeting strategy has advantages, and we know which one (or combination of strategies) you should use. At various points in the sales funnel, we will often deploy different remarketing alternatives. We'd be more than happy to analyze your current retargeting efforts or offer a fresh retargeting plan without charge. Retargeting is crucial to your business, so make sure it's effective and running smoothly.

Ready to drive towards your
marketing goal with a retargeting strategy?

If you aren’t already running retargeting campaigns and are prepared to place your company’s ads in front of recurring leads, you require a qualified and knowledgeable PPC marketing firm that can crush the job.

Let's do this

We run a quick audit of your business and marketing plan and be honest with you if we can’t make it a win-win

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