Job Portal Platform


The “Job Portal Platform” is a comprehensive online platform designed to connect job seekers with employers, facilitating the job search and recruitment process. This platform serves as a central hub for individuals seeking employment opportunities and companies looking to hire qualified candidates, making job hunting and talent acquisition efficient and accessible.

Business Model:

The business model for a Job Portal Platform typically includes the following components:

  1. Job Posting Fees: Charging employers and businesses fees for posting job openings on the platform. Fees may vary based on factors such as job type, location, and visibility.

  2. Featured Job Listings: Offering premium placement for job listings, making them more prominent and attracting a wider pool of candidates, with fees for featured listings.

  3. Resume Database Access: Providing employers with access to the platform’s resume database, allowing them to search for and contact potential candidates, with subscription-based or pay-per-use fees.

  4. Recruitment Services: Offering recruitment and headhunting services to businesses, including candidate screening, interviewing, and shortlisting, with fees for these services.

  5. Premium Employer Profiles: Allowing employers to create enhanced profiles with branding and detailed company information, attracting top talent, with fees for premium profiles.

  6. Job Application Boosts: Offering job seekers the option to boost their job applications to increase visibility to employers, with fees for application boosts.

  7. Subscription Plans: Providing subscription plans to job seekers, offering benefits such as access to premium job listings, resume writing services, and priority application processing. Subscription fees contribute to recurring revenue.

  8. Advertising and Promotions: Displaying relevant job-related advertisements and sponsored content from businesses looking to reach the platform’s user base, generating advertising revenue.

  9. Resume Writing Services: Offering professional resume writing and optimization services to job seekers, with fees for resume services.

  10. Interview Coaching: Providing interview coaching and preparation services to job seekers, helping them improve their interview skills, with fees for coaching sessions.

  11. Job Alerts and Notifications: Offering customized job alerts and notifications to job seekers based on their preferences, with fees for premium alert services.

  12. Customization and White Label Solutions: Providing customization and white-label solutions for businesses looking to use the job portal under their branding, with licensing fees and customization charges.

  13. Developer APIs: Offering developer APIs and documentation for businesses looking to integrate job listings and recruitment features into their websites or applications, generating revenue from API usage fees.

  14. Data Analytics and Reports: Providing data analytics and reporting tools to employers, allowing them to track the performance of their job listings and recruitment efforts, with fees for premium analytics.

  15. Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives: Offering services and features to promote diversity and inclusion in the hiring process, with associated fees for diversity programs.

The success of a Job Portal Platform depends on factors such as a wide range of job listings, user-friendly interfaces (both web and mobile), responsive customer support, advanced search and matching algorithms, and the ability to foster a thriving community of job seekers and employers. These platforms play a crucial role in connecting job seekers with employment opportunities and facilitating the growth of businesses through talent acquisition.


JobLab, a professional Job Listing Solution that comes with almost all the features needed to run a Job board website. It’s developed for those people who want to start their Job Listing business website. The report shows that as the population of the world approaches 7 billion people, 3 billion are employed and 205 million are unemployed. It’s a big sector and here today we keep our footprint on this industry with our JobLab, a complete solution for the Vacancy business. here, Users can apply for any job relevant to their sector, and employers can post jobs for their needs. the employer has a subscription plan, before posting any jobs employer needs to purchase a job posting plan and here site admin will earn money.

Are you looking for a complete Job Listing solution system for your business, then you are in the right place. No need to pay thousands of dollars to hire developers to build your Job Listing Website. JobLab may assist you to handle unlimited users, employers, featured jobs, listing jobs, able to accept payment via cards, cryptos, and mobile money. the ready-to-go solution, it takes only a few minutes to set up your website with our system. we are also here to provide you with the best support, installation, and customization if you need it. hurry up, get your copy, and start your Job Listing website.

Demo Access:

Admin Access:

JobLab - Job Portal Platform - 1

JobLab - Job Portal Platform - 2

Highlighted Features

  • Comes with Job Seeker And Employer Panel.
  • Featured Job system Included.
  • 20+ Payment Gateway and 250+ currencies setup.
  • Easy Documentation. GDPR Policy.
  • Responsive Design, Support SMS, Email And SMTP.
  • Premium and quick support, Regular updates facilities.
  • Oneclick Job Search, Search Filter included.
  • Strong and powerful admin interface.
  • A clean and modern user interface.

User Features

– Manage Profile.
– Manage Educational Qualification.
– Manage Employment History.
– Manage Resume.
– Manage Job Applications.
– Manage Favourite Job.
– Manage 2FA Security.
– Manage Support.
– Apply anytime anywhere.
– Blogs & Extra Pages.
– Email Notification & Verification.
– SMS Notification & Verification.
– GDPR Policy.
– Livechat, Security Captcha Included.
– Comes with Multi language Features.
– Privacy & TOS.

Employer Features

– Manage Profile.
– Create Job.
– Manage All Jobs.
– Collect CV.
– CV Download.
– CV Shortlisting.
– Deposit History.
– Manage Transaction.
– Manage HelpDesk.
– Manage 2FA Security.
– 20+ Automatic Payment Gateway.
– Subscription Management.
– Manage SMS Notification.
– Manage Email Notification.

Admin Features

– Manage Users.
– Manage Employer.
– Manage Category.
– Manage Job.
– Manage Location.
– Manage Plan.
– Manage Industry.
– Manage Education.
– Manage Employees Number.
– Manage Payment Gateways.
– Manage Deposits.
– Manage Support Ticket.
– Manage Report.
– Manage Job board.
– Manage General Setting.
– Manage Logo & Favicon.
– Manage Extensions.
– Manage Language.
– SEO Manager.
– Email Manager.
– SMS Manager.
– Manage Templates.
– Manage Pages.
– Manage Section.
– Manage Blogs.
– Manage Brand.
– Manage Contact Us.
– Manage FAQ.
– Manage Feature Job.
– Manage Package.
– Manage Policy Pages.
– Manage Social Icons.
– Manage GDPR Cookie.
– Manage Custom CSS.

Business Model:

The “Job Portal Platform” is a comprehensive online platform designed to connect job seekers with employers, facilitating the job search and recruitment process.

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