Ecommerce Based MLM Platform


The “Ecommerce-Based MLM Platform” is a unique online marketplace that combines the power of e-commerce with a multi-level marketing (MLM) structure. It provides entrepreneurs and network marketers with an opportunity to build their own e-commerce businesses while promoting products and recruiting a network of distributors. This platform offers a wide range of products for sale and an innovative MLM compensation plan.

Business Model:

The business model for an Ecommerce-Based MLM Platform typically includes the following components:

  1. Product Sales: Revenue is generated through the sale of products listed on the platform. These products can include physical goods, digital products, subscriptions, and more.

  2. Membership Fees: Charging fees for individuals or distributors to join the MLM network and access the platform’s resources and compensation plan.

  3. Product Markup: Earning a margin on each product sold, where the platform purchases products at wholesale prices and sells them at retail prices to distributors.

  4. MLM Compensation Plan: Implementing a multi-level marketing compensation plan that rewards distributors for recruiting new members and building a downline network. This plan often includes bonuses, commissions, and incentives for achieving sales targets and team growth.

  5. Subscription Plans: Offering subscription plans to distributors, providing benefits such as higher commissions, advanced marketing tools, and personalized support. Subscription fees contribute to recurring revenue.

  6. Product Listing Fees: Charging fees to distributors who want to list their own products on the platform for sale, with fees based on the number of listings or the prominence of the listings.

  7. Training and Support: Offering training materials, webinars, and support services to help distributors build and grow their businesses, with fees for premium training resources.

  8. Inventory Management: Providing tools and services for distributors to manage their product inventory, order fulfillment, and shipping logistics, with fees for these services.

  9. Replicated Websites: Offering replicated e-commerce websites to distributors, allowing them to promote products and recruit new members, with fees for website setup and maintenance.

  10. Sales Tools and Marketing Materials: Offering sales and marketing materials, including brochures, banners, and promotional content, with fees for customized materials.

  11. Rank Advancement Fees: Charging distributors fees for advancing in rank within the MLM compensation plan, which often comes with increased earning potential.

  12. Payment Processing Fees: Earning fees from payment processing services when distributors or customers make purchases using credit cards, digital wallets, or other payment methods.

  13. Affiliate Marketing: Partnering with affiliate marketers and earning commissions on referrals that result in new distributors joining the MLM network.

  14. Advertising and Promotions: Displaying relevant advertisements and sponsored content from product manufacturers and businesses looking to reach the platform’s distributor and customer base, generating advertising revenue.

  15. Data Analytics and Reports: Offering data analytics and reporting tools to distributors, allowing them to track their sales, team growth, and earnings, with fees for premium analytics.

The success of an Ecommerce-Based MLM Platform depends on factors such as the quality and variety of products offered, the attractiveness of the compensation plan, user-friendly distributor dashboards, responsive customer support, and the ability to attract and retain a network of motivated distributors. These platforms provide entrepreneurial opportunities for individuals while offering a wide range of products to customers.


BinaryEcom, a professional Ecommerce Based Multilevel Marketing Solution that comes with PHP laravel. It’s developed for those people who want to start their MLM based Shopping business website. globally, 60 million people work as network marketers & 36.6 million customers have bought products/services from the network marketing model. In 2020, over two billion people purchased goods or services online, and during the same year, e-retail sales surpassed 4.2 trillion U.S. dollars worldwide. BinaryEcom, a complete solution for multilevel marketing business. here, marketers and users can join via referral system, by using upline username, can manage their downline, able to choose plans, earn referral commissions, withdraw their earning, order products and more.

Are you looking for a complete Ecommerce MLM solution system for your business, then you are in the right place. No need to pay thousands of dollars to hire developers to build your online Shopping MLM Website. BinaryEcom may assist you to handle unlimited downlines, able to accept payment via cards, cryptos, and mobile money. ready to go solution, it takes only a few minutes to set up your website with our system. we also here to provide you best support, installation, and customization if you need it. hurry up, get your copy and start your products Based network marketing website.

Highlighted Features

– No#1 Ecommerce Shopping Based Binary MLM Platform.
– 20+ Payment Gateway and 250+ currencies setup.
– Premium MLM & Ecommerce Platform, Several categories features.
– Support modern browser and cross-browser compatibility.
– Powerful admin interface, GDPR Policy.
– Simple and all Dynamic Features, System info.
– Easy Documentation, Regular updates facilities.
– Premium and quick support.

User Dashboard Features

– Plan Management.
– BV Log Management.
– Referrals Management.
– Binary Tree.
– Binary Summery.
– Orders Management.
– Shopping Cart.
– Deposit Management.
– Withdraw Management.
– Balance Transfer.
– Support Ticket Management.
– 2FA Security Management.
– Profile Management.
– Email Notification & Verification.
– SMS Notification & Verification.
– GDPR Policy.
– Livechat, Security Captcha Included.
– Comes with Multi language Features.
– Privacy & TOS.

Admin Features

– Plans Management.
– Category Management.
– Product Management.
– Orders Management.
– Manage Users.
– Payment Gateways Management.
– Deposits Management.
– Withdrawals Management.
– Support Ticket Management.
– Report Management.
– General Setting.
– Notice Management.
– Logo & Favicon Management.
– Extensions Management.
– Language Management.
– SEO Manager.
– Email Manager.
– SMS Manager.
– Manage Templates.
– Manage Pages.
– Manage Section.
– Policy Pages Management.
– Social Icons Management.
– GDPR Cookie Management.
– Custom CSS Management.
– And more….

Built for the future

Using the best, future-proof, and secure stack are known to the world: bootstrap, laravel framework, jQuery.

Demo Access:

Admin Access:

Business Model:

The “Ecommerce-Based MLM Platform” is a unique online marketplace that combines the power of e-commerce with a multi-level marketing (MLM) structure. It provides entrepreneurs and network marketers with an opportunity to build their own e-commerce businesses while promoting products and recruiting a network of distributors.

Shopping Basket